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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Getting Ready to Go

J: Hello all!  You can bet that I have been hard at work preparing for this trip.  Those who know me know that I love bicycling and that I would like very much to have my wife along on future trips.  Last year going from WI to NY solo was a bit lonely, so I now have a partner in crime.  I truly hope that she loves the trip. 

What a man does for his wife...  I'll be towing the equivalent of an 18 wheel trailer full of makeup, jewelry, blow driers and clothing; I am there to support my wife.  Yes I'll be towing the trailer.  The increased wind drag, the road friction or the added weight won't bother me at all.  I do so willingly mind you.  "A man does what he's got to do" or so the saying goes.  That reminds me of a song..

Sometimes I feel, sometimes I feel,
Like I been tied to the whipping post,
Tied to the whipping post,
Tied to the whipping post,
Good Lord, I feel like I'm dyin'. 
The Allman Brothers                             
Comments made are all in fun
(I hope M thinks so to).
Not to miss a trick - I'm also alerting you all that you'll be seeing me in the same outfit nearly everyday.  I'm not quite sure why I am alerting you, because that is my normal behavior.  At least I'll try and brush my teeth and comb my hair before the pictures!
To start the trip we'll be parking our car at a Senior Center.  I hope that is not an omen for the trip!  Seriously, since last year's big trip I have been biking indoors all winter and I have been out biking regularly in nice weather.  I feel that I am ready to pull my load.  We're staying in B&B's and hotels along the way, so it should be a lot easier than camping.  It is always good to end a great day of biking with a nice meal, a hot bath and a warm bed.

Bicycle bicycle bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride my bike
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride it where I like


  1. We just got back from KC late last night - went for the long wknd - saw old neighbors, it was wonderful! I guess Jackie's in college somewhere? Jimmie is staying with neighbors? Good luck to you guys - I could see Mike and I trying something like this - wouldn't happen! I'll enjoy following you along the way. Chris Klesius

  2. Hahahah Dad I highly doubt mom is bringing THAT much stuff...she's usually pretty good about it :)
    Good luck with your final preparations, I'll be posting often (when I'm not at the library, haha).

  3. Really Jim! You must be exaggerating! Ha! I have exercised with Marie, lived through pilates, weights,and step. Our favorite bike ride was 22 miles. She also survived a week in the Boundary Waters. I know she is an outstanding biker and pretty low maintenance. Are you sure it's all her stuff?
    Have a wonderful trip--hope the weather is good!

    Nancy H.

  4. Jamesie,
    Thanks for including us on the list. Sounds like a great time!! We'll be checkin' in.

    Good Luck. Love to you and 'rie!

    Leo Gannon

  5. And if man has to do what a man has to do... just think of everything that Marie has to do... putting up with all this! ;-) Have a great time and I'll be checking in on progess.


  6. Botchagallup the Gladiator and Mombo the Magnificent said.....

    Wish we were following along, in a car naturally.How is Marvelous Marie holding up?
    Is she able to sit down for dinner, remember
    a good biker runs on wine. Dandelion celebrated a half century and we went out to dinner last
    night at your old stommping grounds at the Roslyn Cafe , now Mimes..I heard some Guitarist
    was throwing a huge party for all his friends
    last night..I have to sign-off now I want check the weather forcast for the Katy trail.Thats
    Thats all Folks Popparazzie and Momzel

  7. I love grandma and grandpa's comment hahaha.

    What's with the lack of updates?! How am i supposed to know how you all are doing?!?!!?

    PS- I went in and talked to my Communication professor today for like 15 minutes about majors. She's new to the school so it's a little difficult for her but it's always good to get to know the professor!!

    Hope you both are doing well, sending my love.

  8. Hi Jackie,

    Sorry we were unable to post to the blog due to the lack of a reliable internet connection at our hotel on Sunday. I was in the midst of posting when the hotel's network went down.

    Nice job on connecting with you prof. LD and LM

  9. Am I missing out on this excursion? I've not seen any postings from the Pecquexs other than the one from the 13th when he said there was no reliable internet connection. Still no connection? Hope all is well.


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